Gavin Thomas

sweet little man

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Fair time!

We went to the Clearwater County Fair in Bagley.... Mom and Dad wanted me to see the animals and ride on the merry-go-round. I wasn't really impressed with the experience, but I tried to be a good sport. Grandma put me on top of a cow in the barn and I gave her the evil eye! (see photo) I posed pretty nice for Dad's picture on the merry-go-round, but with mom, I was grabbing the horse and hitting her in the face!

What's for dinner mom?

I go to the fridge every time it is open. This time, I was taking bottles and throwing them on the floor and making a mess. Every time mom or dad opens the fridge door, I crawl really fast to see if I can make it there before they close the door. Mom is just waiting for me to grab an egg
and throw that on the floor! Dad said he has a photo of him crawling in the fridge also, we will have to compare.

I want to try that!!

Dad was having a freeze pop the other night, and I insisted on trying it. I was not content to just suck on the packaging, I knew there was something in the plastic and I wanted to taste it. So...I did just that! I pulled it away from my dad and then we both had a bite of it.

Pool Time!

Mom and Dad wanted me to get in the pool this summer. They decided to take me there on the hottest day of the year. It was over 100 degrees! It was really bright and sunny. Mom put sunscreen on me twice! I really enjoyed the water, I took a couple of nose dives in the water and coughed a little bit.
I loved splashing in the water and I think Dad had fun with me too. Mom took photos of the event, and Grandma Larson was there to watch me splash!

8 months old

Here is a photo of me at 8 months. Mom really likes this photo, and I decided to smile all on my she captured it on camera (of course). I am a very busy little boy....I am not very easy to capture on camera anymore. Mom gets frustrated, just as she has me positioned for photos, I come towards her and ruin the moment! I crawl and walk along furniture and I get into everything!! I come crawling at full speed when I hear water running in the bath tub or shower.

Me and Uncle Chad

We were up at Lake of the Woods for the weekend and I was playing with Uncle Chad. We tried to pose for photos, but neither of us would smile! I babble all of the time and Uncle Chad tries to get me to say "UNCLE". Mom tries to get me to say "MOM". Grandma tries to get me to say "GRANDMA". So, what do I say ??? DA DA DA

Wheat Field had this brilliant idea of taking my photo in a wheat field. Let's say that it didn't work out as she had planned. I don't sit still and I ended up face first in the field with a nice little scratch on my face. Mom felt horrible, but they still took photos anyway, I just w
as not amused!