Gavin Thomas

sweet little man

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Daddy and Gavin at Rollag
Gavin on a Tractor - big surprise?

My 2 boys - posing for pictures

Gavin likes to take baths and showers!

A very sleepy baby. We have tried to take similar pictures with Trevor that we took with Gavin.

First taste of cereal.

Trevor's first look at Tractors - and loved them!

Diamond Point Park

Family photo at the Park - never turn down an offer to have a picture taken of your family.
Trevor's 1st time in the Lake

Dave and Boys at Diamond Point

Heidi and Boys at Diamond Point Park

Summertime pictures

The first of many pictures where Gavin wants to hold Trevor and then asks me to take a picture - so be prepared.
Trevor - a smiley baby

Trevor's 4 month picture

Gavin likes to "make towers" and will use almost anything.

Gavin's BIG lunch - spaghetti and green beans.

Christmas in August - Gavin insisted Trevor wear this bib today.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

August 2008

Gavin is officially potty trained in August ...still wears diapers at night but is pretty proud of his big boy underwear! Once we had a few rough potty attempts, it came rather quickly. He's a boy, so he really enjoyed going potty off of the deck (luckily we don't live in town)!
Surprise! They have pedal tractors at the fair.

Family fun at the Fair

July 2008

Trevor's baptism -
he folds his hands like this all on his own - I don't pose them :)

No more pictures!

Gavin - riding bike with Dad

Mom and Trevor -Kelliher Days Parade -
yes it was cool enough for a blanket!

Dad and Gavin

Gavin riding a bull -
well, sitting on it for a picture!

Tervor -just happy!

Summer Fun

Gavin showing Daddy how to play in the sandbox
Gavin enjoying the party too -

giving a ride to a puppy in his truck -

5th of July - Anniversary party -

Trevor enjoying a nice cool beverage!

Relaxing with Dad while watching the fireworks
Trevor on the 4th of July

Squirt gun fight with Grandma - I think she won!

Gavin loves watermelon - likes BIG pieces.

*Gavin's attempt to change Trevor's diaper (his idea)
*we camped out with Uncle Willie for a few days, improvised for the bath
*Uncle Willie got in some snuggle time with Trevor

All about Trevor

*Trevor - sleeping like a baby
*and smiling like Crazy
*Gavin checking on his brother

Everyone thinks I pose this child for these pictures- yet again, he does it all on his own, and sometimes asks for me to take pictures. So, what's a mom to do....take a picture!

Gavin likes to help - here he is calming Trevor by putting his finger in his mouth for him to suck on it.

June pictures

Gavin love to help daddy whenever he can - loves to use the "real tools" - not the toys.

Gavin holding Trevor - yet again! Gavin asks to hold his brother and then says "take a picture momma" I just do what I am told!

Trevor in the tub - he loves to splash!

My 2 Boys

Trevor modeling a bib that Gma Margaret made for Gavin. Our 2 boys only have Uncles - and that is obviously not a common thing to find. Gavin loves to lay in the crib next to his brother.